Wednesday, August 30, 2017

No enough Chapter 1

"Angie time to get up!" called my mom. "No, not today. I'll get up tomorrow," I mumbled going into turtle mode (me hiding under my covers hiding from the inevitably of getting out of bed) "It's the first day of school, you can't miss it," said my mom outside my door. "That's why I don't want to get up," I say my voice muffled from the covers. "You need to get up and you know it," said my mom. "Fine!" I said getting ready.
     For breakfast, I grab some cereal and milk. I get my meds out and take them after I eat my breakfast. I leave for school way earlier than I have to, telling myself If I don't leave now then I'll be late. When I get to school I'm way early so I find my new locker and look for my homeroom. Mean while I'm being bombarded by thoughts like What if you have no friends in any of your classes, The homework is going to be impossible. If you trip or do anything stupid everyone will laugh at you and you'll be known as a klutz. What if you get called on in class and you don't know the answer? What if you stretch and the teacher thinks you have a question? Or what if they ask if you need help in front of the whole class? What if you do need help? And other thoughts coming into my head every step I take. What if I meet a girl who is really nice? What are you going to say? Will you say anything? I want to run away from them lock myself in a room alone. Then everyone starts flooding in and I panic. I get pushed around and elbowed, people yell in my ears giving me a headache. I lose all sense of direction and get dizzy. I start breathing hard and before I know it I'm having a panic attack. I can't breathe and I can barely stand. Everything starts spinning I feel light headed. I remember to breathe but I'm panting hard I can't calm my ragged breaths. I force myself to get my bearings and walk to my homeroom feeling exhausted. I sat down at the back and started to read my book so I could avoid social interaction. "Angie? Is Angie here?" asked the teacher. I raised my hand not looking up. I don't notice the buzz of chatter. Some one poked me and I jumped scowling at them. "Sorry, can you give this to Arable?" she said giving me a note folded so I couldn't read it. I did and kept reading. Soon it was time for first period. I walked through the halls recoiling at each touch. I look at the ground and walk trying to dodge every touch while walking relatively fast. I need to get to science class fast. I walk as fast as I can and get to class in the nick of time. "Hi, everyone! My name is Mrs. Sulivenie and I'm glad to have each and everyone one of you in my class," she said. I didn't look directly at her. She dives right into the lesson and I can't keep up. I can't write fast enough and If I try I can't read my hand writing plus I have a hard time seeing the board. "Any question?" Mrs. Sulivenie asked at the end of class. I want to raise my hand but no one else does so I keep my hand down. After school I go over my homework which takes several hours and me wanting to tear everything up in frustrasion. When I'm not it's 6:30. "How was school?" asked my mom when she sees me. "Eh,because because don'twant to tell her about how I didn't talk to anyone and how I already hate science and how hard my homework was and How I didn't ask for help and everything that went wrong. I can only think one thing:

You'll never be good enough no matter how hard you try it will never be enough
 over and over again and I want to cry because I can't stop it, no matter how many pills I take to stop it.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Cat Thief Chapter 23

I've returned to my own time Everything is still frozen. I get to back where I was and start time again. I kept working on some weapons. Nick came back a minute later. "You ready to talk?" he said. "I don't get what you mean," I lied. "Mavis is going to take over your kingdom we need to stop her. I didn't know if you knew about it," said Nick. I threw a screw driver at him still working. It hit on in the forehead just where I wanted it to. "OW!" He said rubbing his head. "I know you think I'm stupid? I knew she was from the beginning. So I'm storming the castle tomorrow with Sam and you. I'm making some gear for us all," I said. "I was just saying in case you were busy. "Of course I was but nothing gets past me," I said. I checked the cameras and saw Mavis coming with regards to my lab. I jumped up and grabbed Nicks hand and dragged him into a secret place I made just in case of this. "I want you to search the whole castle! She and her friend must be found now!" Said Mavis when she came in. I looked in the king's room and he was waking up looking confused. No wonder I was in trouble. I grabbed my spear and got a weapon for Nick. I dragged him out a passage way. When we got far enough away from the first thing out of Nick's mouth was: "What did you do?!" "I cured the king, he was going to die, and Mavis was responsible. She want's to be queen. No, come on,  we're storming my kingdom today," I said grabbing Nick again. "I'm not going I can't Jenny. This is suicide. You might not see it but I do, and I know when to stop," said Nick shaking my hand off his arm. "Fine I'll do it on my own and when I do you'll be sorry, I know I can win. And I knew you would say that. I'm glad for you, there you would die the odd were bad. With only me I will win," I said and stormed off. I equipped my weapons and started on my long trip.
      I got to the wall a few days later. I started climbing up the wall like it was nothing. I heard shouts when I was half way up. "IT'S THE PRINCESS! TELL THE KING!" and similar things like that were shouted. They hung a ladder down got me to climb up. When I got to the top I was escorted through the city to the palace. "Father," I said when I said him. I said it so it sounded disgusted and cold. I also stared daggers at him. Jenny, it's nice to see you, my darling daughter," he said trying to hug me. I pushed him away. "What's this about? You never call me darling and you hate me so you better tell me," I said glaring at him. "Fine, I need your help. The people are rebelling and they're trying to break into the castle. Plus I arranged your marriage with Prince Adam in two weeks," he said. "WHAT?!" I roared. "Yes, he will be the next king," confirmed my father. "I'm not doing either," I said. "You will, whether you like it or not, get her," said my father. I extended my steel claws and slashed away the guards and ran to my father. I got him in a choke hold with my claws against his neck. "Move an inch and I'll slit his throat," I hiss at them, they freeze. "You don't want to do this princess," said one of them. "Try me," I said. "He's your father, you can't kill him," he said. "He was never my father, he left me on the streets and when he finds me he doesn't want me. He wants me to make him strong so he'll rule forever. I'll die before I let that happen. I never like him, he's greedy and only cares about himself. I'm not the only one who wants him gone. And when he is I will fix everything he has done," I say. "I never do anything for me!" says my father. "You forced me to make weapons for you trapped me in a prison several times. And every time you did I saw another way to stop you," I said. "What are you doing?!" shouts Prince Adam who come out of a corridor. "If it isn't Prince Adam," I say. "Jenny," he says looking at me. "What? Scared?" I asked feeling my sanity drip away. "What are you doing? Why are you going to kill him?" he demanded. "Prince Adam, how stupid are you? I must say I didn't think you would be here but I don't care," I said. "Why are you actiong so crazy?! This isn't you, you're losing your humanity," he said. "Maybe you don't know me as much as you though. You see I've been dreaming of this for so long. And a little titty bitty prince is not going to stop me," I said. "FREEZE! RELEASE THE KING! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER OF THE KING!" Said Nick's dad. "Move and he's dead," I said letting a drop of blood fall onto the floor. "You know I don't really want to kill you father. I don't think I can take a life," I say releasing him. "GET HER!" Commands my father. "Stupid," I said and charge into the army running to me. I knock out several of them before disappearing in the rafters. I sneak into the entry hall and open the door. The people of the city rush in with a mighty battle cry. There are too many of them for the army to stand a chance. I watch for a few miunets before shouting "STOP EVERYONE! I COME WITH A WARNING! PRINCESS MAVIS AND HER ARMY ARE COMING IN THREE DAYS TO ATTACK THE PALACE. WE WILL BE OUTNUMBERED AND MANY WILL LOSE THEIR LIVES. I  HAVE A PLAN BUT WITH OUT YOUR HELP I CAN'T GET IT DONE! WITH IT WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!" I say and disapear into the night...

Saturday, August 19, 2017


Hi everyone I just looked at the stats and I've gotten 1,000 views THIS MONTH ALONE! That's amazing and I've not posted at all for several days. I'm so happy this is a huge milestone for my blog. I'm so happy and excited about it just so you know if you want to you guys can post this on your social media if you want and comment that would be amazing!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Thanks so much!

hey everyone I just want to say thanks because before the ad I almost never go so many views daily and now I'm getting so many! I can't believe how many people read my blog. And the majority of people who are reading are from India with over 100 views. Before that is was always the US and I'm so happy people from so may different countries are reading this. Please comment what stories you like or want back. I'm planing or re writing some of my earlier posts to make them better and readable because their are a a TON! I would really appreciate some coments. Thanks again!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Hey Everyone!

So I just started a campaign so more people view my blog on add words, and it's working. I want to kinda welcome new readers. Views have been going up since I started the ad and I'm really happy about it. I saw that most people use their phones to look at my blog. I personally recommend a computer because I think it's easier to read. I'm happy so many people are reading it. Though in almost every single story there is some violence. I didn't intend there to be so much violence but I don't know I write what I like and I think a tad of blood makes it more interesting. Some parts are a little gory but that's how it's meant to be. Sorry for about all my earlier chapters I'm bad a grammar and spelling so I got Grammarly so now it's better but I still find errors when I read them. This was meant to be mostly for my first post, Stars Adventures at camp half blood. I got side tracked and started writing other stories. I have a few I discontinued. If you like them and want me to keep writing them then comment the title and I will consider it. If a lot of people want the same story and there is already a comment just reply to it so then I can decide on what story people like most if there are multiple. I hope you like everything I've written and am planning to write.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

My name Chapter 1

"Scar! Wait up!" called my friend Clara. I slowed a little but not much. "What?" I snapped. I had better things to do and Clara was getting on my last nerve. "Did you study for the test? If you want I can help I can study with you during lunch," she said. "No, I'm fine. I studied leave me alone," I said walking away. I never socialized with people more than I have to. I walk into school with no one looking at me. I don't care, I like it that way. Then I can't get hurt. "Hey Scar!" said Chole, she thinks I'm her friend. I know that the school told her to befriend me. I've attempted suicide several times and they are trying to stop me by giving me a friend. I know because I over heard them talking about it. "Hey," is all I can think of to say. "I can't wait for tonight! Did you hear? Sam is throwing a party and it's supposed to be amazing!" Chloe gushed. "I might come, I have to study," I said. I was definitely not coming. "Ok I'll see you there!" said Chloe expecting I'd come. I drift through the rest of the day not talking unless I have to. When I get home I look for anything sharp or a plastic bag. I can't even find one, my parents are really scared that I will die if I want, so they are careful. The last time I tried I was stuck in the hospital for a week. Now they do everything to stop me because they think that eventually, I will stop. I tried acting happy once and like I was over it. They got scared and I went to the hospital. I go so much that the doctors know me by name. My parents don't understand that I don't want to live. That I don't want to deal with my life, that death would be better. "Hey Scar, do you have anything to do? Any homework?" asked my mom. "No," I said. Then it hit me. The party would have knives and all sorts of things. "Mom, Chloe invited me to a party tonight, can I go?" I asked. I knew my mom would say yes. "Sure," she said. When Chloe came to pick me up she didn't suspect a thing. At the party it was loud and there were knives plus other sharp things. I know I can't get a knife so I look for a glass soda bottle. I find one and grab it. Chloe had gone to her other friends. I head out side and smash the bottle where no one can see. I grab a sharp piece that shattered off. It's perfect. I hold it to my wrist. I only manage to make a small cut before I hear a yell that startles me, I drop the glass blade, it shatters when it hits the ground. "What are you doing?" asked a boy looking at me. I can only glare at him. He sees my wrist. "You need a bandage in case it opens more,' he said. "I'm fine," I snap. "You don't look fine," he noted. "Well I am, so go away, I just want to be alone for a second," I lied. It used to be so hard for me to lie, but now I do it so easily I think that if I say it enough it will be true. He left, I found a new blade and cut my wrist than my other not feeling the pain. I walk back into the party. "Hey Scar, where were you? I've been looking for you," said Chloe. "I was outside, I don't like crowds so I went to get some air," I lied. I looked at the ground a second then saw a drop of blood on my finger ready to fall. I clenched my fists but the drop fell. I covered it with my foot. I couldn't stop the blood, more fell until there was a small puddle on both sides of me. "Scar! What did you do?!" Cried, Chloe. People looked at the blood on the floor and dripping from my hands in horror. A few people called 911. "Why? Why did you do it Scar? Why do you do it so much? Why do you want to die?" asked Chloe. "We're friends, do you know how sad I'd be if you die?" asked Chloe. "I do, but I don't care, it's my life and I can end it," I said. I heard sirens. Some people came running in and calling "Where is she? Yes, We're looking now," and so forth. I made no attempt to run like I used to, they would find me and take me to the ER room where doctors would look at me and shake their heads and frown at seeing me again. When I see my parents they have clearly been crying. "Scar, I thought you were getting better, and we thought you would try to make more friends, why do you do it?" asked my mom with tears in her eyes. "We need to make sure her blood isn't poisoned she need laughing gas," said a doctor. I fell into a restless sleep a few seconds later.
      When I woke I didn't open my eyes. "She suffered severe trauma when she was little, she wouldn't stop screaming and she wouldn't go anywhere alone. We couldn't put her in so much pain, so we wiped her memory. She was never the same after she twelveth birthday she tried to kill herself as you know. And we can't stop it. I think it's the side effect of the trama. She doesn't remeber but she is determined to kill herself. We need your help, we need her to stop. She's my baby," said my mom breaking down into sobs. "We don't know what to do she will do it, and it's only a matter of time before she sucedes," said the doctor. I heard the door open and didn't open my eyes. "My poor baby, she has no idea, but it's for the best said my mom stroking my hair sitting on the edge of the bed.

This is the song that helped inspire this new story.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Nutty Nicole Chapter 29

It's been two weeks since the murder and Sapphire had left to do her thing, same with Flare and Kana. My phone rang it was my dad. "DAD! I'm fine! I know but I'm fine. So what if you were worried? I'm your daughter! I don't care! I'm not going back. WELL, I WAS FINE BEFORE YOU GOT INTO MY LIFE SO GO AWAY!" I yelled then hung up. I felt bad for exploring but he needed to hear it. It's a special event at school were we dress in whatever we want, it's meant to show individuality but I don't care. I don't get why but we do. I'm not hiding my devil features and I'm going to act like crazy. When I got to school a girl screamed when she saw me in the courtyard. "Nice costume," said Bullet who was dressed in her old gang stuff. "Thanks, dad problems going to need to go home soon before he goes berzerk, I've been gone for forever and he's worrying," I said. "You yell at him?" asked Bullet. "Yeah, I feel kinda bad about it but he needed it hear it, even if it makes him upset. But I do have to go home Or I'm so going in the school's basement doesn't matter if I'm his daughter, we all get a taste of Hell," I said. "Come on, let's go in before you know," said Bullet. I didn't want to cause a scene. "I don't get this thing it seems so stupid," I said. "I know but I get to wear my old gang clothes so what ever," said Bullet. "I feel like a freak in this just like before everything happened to me," I said when I saw people stare. "Save it for later," said Bullet. "Need to go to class see you later," I said. I walked into class to see everyone who stared at me. "Kara, your clothes are disturbing everyone, we've talked about this. You can't wear things like this to school. I will have to call your father if this happens again," said the teacher. "Whatever he won't care anyway," I said sitting in the back. "I wonder where her little crew went, you know the freaks, who she was friends with," said a kid. I wanted to kill someone. I saw a girl walk in the class who I didn't recognize. I saw a mark on her wrist. She looked at me and her eyes filled with fear. "Class this is Sophie she is new and I hope you make her welcome," said the teacher. "Kara you will show her around, maybe then you will get another chance," Sophie sat next to me but sat at the very edge of her chair. The teacher droned on. "I see you're still as crazy as ever Nicole," she said not looking at me. "I didn't think you would come out of your room. After you came over to my house I was really mad that you told the cops, after all, we had a great time," I said. "You don't scare me anymore," Sophie said. "I can and will. You haven't seen the last of me. You own me years of payback after all you did I will never forgive you and as long as I'm alive or more accurately you're alive I will make you sorry," I said. At the end of class, I took Sophie to her next class. "Later, can't wait to spend some more time with you. Maybe you can come and visit my new home," I said. "I'm not going to the insane asylum your parents sent you to," said Sophie. I snorted. "It's actually a school my dad runs, and apparently my "parents" you knew adopted me. And in my school, everyone is just as crazy as me. And they know all about you, so you might never come out alive. I'll tell them that you're coming for a visit! You love it," I said then walked away. Sophie's eyes were filled with fear. At lunch, she tried to sit with some other girls. "Come on Sophie you don't want to sit with them, sit with me! We have so much to catch up on and we are best friends, after all, you wouldn't want to make a best friend sad," I said pretending to make big pleading eyes. "Come on let's go! I have some friends you love!" I said dragging her away. "Hey, who's the new girl?" asked Bullet. "Only my best friend in the whole world! Sophie meet Bullet," I said pretending to be happy making my voice sickly sweet. "Nice to meet you, I'm Bullet Train and this is Mike and Luke," said Bullet. "N-nice to meet you," said Sophie. "Bullet I said it would be a good idea to show Sophie the DA, maybe you can come to and make her feel welcome," I said welcome like it was acid on my tongue. "Sounds fun, when are you going?" asked Bullet. "My dad will probably drag me back by tomorrow so maybe in a week after I've said sorry to him and had a little time in hell. Then feel free to come over, with Sophie obviously, we want to make her feel welcome," I said still faking being happy. "What's the DA?" asked Mike. Bullet punched him in the arn and he said "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" looking mad. "Can't tell it's a secret place my dad works and if I did then I would have to kill you, or Sapphire could if she comes back," I said. "WOULD KARA DEVL COME TO THE MAIN OFFICE,. "I gotta go now, my dad must be here, but I'll come back later and give you some details, later," I said walking to the office not getting my stuff. "Hey dad, time to go home? I was starting to have fun," I said. "I don't care, you are in so much trouble. Do you know how long you've been gone?" asked my dad. "Two weeks?" I asked. "No two months and you need to come home, so let's go, you won't be coming back," he said walking out the door. "Am I going in the basement when we get to the DA?" I asked. "Yes and after you can't leave for a month," said my dad. "Fine but can a few friends come?" I asked. "NO the DA is top secret and you know that," said my dad. "I know but it's the girl you met when I left plus Sophie and we're going to make it so she doesn't know where we are. I said she would have some fun, and she would love to come," I said. "Sophie!? Of course you can I know about people like her. And why arn't you hiding you devil fetures?" asked my dad. "Can I tell you later? At the DA so no one hears us?" I asked. "Fine," said my dad and we drove off back to the DA

Saturday, August 5, 2017

A new Life Chapter 2

On the way to school with Ben I took a back Alley he walked behind me because I walked a little faster than him. He rounded the corner and I pulled out a gun, he stared at me with fear in his eyes. "What are you doing?" he asked fear creeping into his voice. I glared at him. "Just like your brother, stupid and too fast to trust. I should have taken care of you sooner. I don't really care why they want you dead but I will be the one to kill you, the others could never do it," I said and shot him in the leg. Ben fell to the ground. I covered his mouth to muffle his scream. "You knew my brother?" said Ben through tears. "I killed him, he was stupid and so are you and everyone else who thought I would protect you. And don't even think about running, I shot you in the leg so you couldn't and if you try to scream I'll put a bullet through your head," I said aiming the gun at his head. "How did you kill him?" he asked. "I'll never tell, though I hope you don't have a skull as thick as him," I said shooting him twice in the head then leaving. I came to school and Elsa said in Italian "Where is he! Tell me now!" she demanded. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said. She grabbed my pressure points on my neck. "You better tell me before I kill you. You know I can," she growled. I pulled her hands off my throat and stood there planning my next move. "I did it for you, go now or you will die. I will kill you. I don't care if we were allies, you will die." I said. "I've gotten better than you," she growled. I laughed. Everyone was looking at with in bewilderment. Kana just nodded because she understood. She had mastered thirty languages because school was so boring. "You will never be better than me. I. Am. The best. And I will destroy you. I don't care who I have to kill, now run back and tell them that they have made an enemy to be reckoned with," I said and giving a phone number to Elsa. "Go before you end up like that stupid little twerp," I spat then walked away. Everyone discussed what had happened. no one knew and Elsa left saying she was sick. "What happened?" asked BT (Bullet Train at lunch. "What happened?" Asked Mike. I glared at him. "Nothing we knew each other and where rivals. We still are but I made it clear not to mess with me," I said. "I need more detail than that, and you wanna help me with something, I'm doing another. It'll be fun especially since you can fire," said Kara who never went by Nicole anymore. "Sure got nothing better to do, and I need a bit of help with something," I said. "I'd help but Mike here said he would go do some city parkour tonight we want to do a competition it's boring having to follow rules all the time," said BT. "I need to go home after I do a little more digging sorry," said Kana. "Flare?" asked Kara. "Can't doing stuff with Nico said we could go hunting and he would tell me more about my sister, then I need to get back to Japan and find a certain little beast," said Flare. "You guys are no fun!" said Kara fake pouting. "Get over it, we have our own stuff to do. Can't your friends help you back at your old school?" Asked BT. "Nah they on a special mission, and my dad is being a pain so I'm not exactly talking to him for the next month. He's overprotective and I hate it," said Kara. "We'd help if you would tell us what you're talking about," said Luke. Kara smirked and a fang bearly peeked out over her lip. "I would have to kill you if I did," said looking crazy in a sing song voice. The boys left to get more food. "So what happened?" asked BT. "I took care of the twerp in an alley with a note saying his stupid brother is dead. And my next step is destroying the organization and when I'm done I don't know, but I want to die I should have before she who must not be named was fought and we met up outside of near death experiences," I said. "Death?" said Mike who had just come back with some pudding. "Did no one tell you? I tried to shoot myself in the eye before I came here, I thought you knew. I won't say why or how I lived but I shouldn't have so I'll die, it's natural to die and I've cheated it twice, can't cheat a third and if I don't I'll die soon no matter what," I said. By that time Luke had come back. "You didn't know?" he said looking at Mike. "Why does no one tell me anything!" said Mike looking mad. "Come on! When I told you Luke was alive you attacked him, you can't blame us," said BT. "That was one time! And it was right after you woke up," said Mike. BT rolled her eyes. "ATENTION EVERYONE! A DANGROS KILLER IS ON THE LOSE IN THE CITY, SCHOOL IS GOING TO BE CANCLED FOR THE NEXT WEEK" said a cop in the anouncments. "Crap! Hope I'm not dead," I said. I need to go, see you later," I said leaving.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Fire Angel Chapter 7

Before I even step into the Lake I burst into flames that are bright blue. I've been under too much stress at school I got detention several times for being in fights and It's SO hard to not burst into flames in the middle of class. After school, I didn't even bother going to the lake I just went into a cave on the mountain and fire engulfed me. It was bright blue and it lit up the whole cave. I lasted about two minutes before subsiding. "Wish I could burn something to a crisp," I said. I saw my tail and wings. The huge power release made my true form appear. I had my Katana at my waist when I pulled it out of the sheath and it burst into flames. I started practicing with it, I had gotten a little rusty. My skin was really hot so I couldn't leave so I was stranded with no way to escape if needed. I heard a cough. I raised my katana "Who's there?" I shouted. I say the toe of a boot and shot a fire ball at it a few inches away. I heard a yelp. "Come out now!" I said anger rising in my voice. I saw the figure move. It was the kid who kept bugging me with his phone out and Jax behind him. "What are you two doing here?" I growled. The kid looked at me in fear. Jax looked at me in wonder. He had his phone out. I shot a small well-aimed fire ball at his phone. He dropped it as the fire ball made contact with it. I shot another larger fire ball at the phone. "What the hell?!" Jax yelled when I shot it. "And I thought that I could be able to stay here for a while. I guess not," I said and shot a fire ball in the air, it was my signal for Moneka to say we needed to leave. "What are you? Who are you?" asked the annoying kid. "I would tell you but you'll be dead soon so why waste the trouble?" I said. Jax charged and tried to punch me, I grabbed his hand and he tried to let go. My skin was really hot. I shot a fire ball at the other kid and it got him in the leg. I dragged them next to each other. "I'll make this quick," I said shooting two blue fire balls at them. When I got to the house Moneka was already packed. "Come on we're going on the next train," I said walking to the train station. We stayed on for hours until we were very far away.

Hi everyone, sorry it's been FIVE WEEKS instead of three, I extended my stay at camp and have had a bad case of writes block due to summer vacation. I'll be posting less during this summer because I'm feeling lazy.

Cat Thief Chapter 27

I've been hiding for a while in my time. Not very brave but I Don't really care, I'm happy staying here helping with everything....