Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Devils Spawn Chapter 11

"DAD!" I yelled. "Yin?! What are you dong back here?" asked my dad when he saw me. "Dad, I'm ready" I said staring up at him. "I'm so proud that you want to pursue evil" said my dad proudly. "Whatever dad, I need at lest fifty follower. So I cane get this started. Then I need to bust the most evil villains out of jail" I told my dad. "Done" he said as fifty minions popped out of nowhere. "Perfect" I said smiling. Now it's time to break into Juvie" I said smiling evilly. I flew to Juvie and despised myself as a guard and walked to the top security section and smiled. I threw off my discuss. "I'm here to get you out" I announced silently. "All I need you to do is join me to take over the world" I said. "I'm in! I want to get revenge on all my enemies" said one prisoner. I quickly blasted open all the doors and a hole through the wall. "FREEDOM!" Yelled a prisnor as he ran towards the hole. "COME MY FRIEND AND WE WILL TAKE OVER THE WORL!" I yelled before launching out the window...

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Cat Thief Chapter 27

I've been hiding for a while in my time. Not very brave but I Don't really care, I'm happy staying here helping with everything....