Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Nutty Nicole Chapter 17

It's been a week and Sophie refuses to come out of her house. And you might think that's job well done, but not for me. I need hundreds of thousands of people to know about how EVIL she is!!! I got an iPhone yesterday and got all of the social medias Sophie has and I'm going to take pics of all the stuff I do and post it other pages so everyone can see!!! I'M SO EVIL!!!! Today I washed off the last stuff and wrote: SOPHIE! I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE! IF YOU DON'T CONFESS EVRYHORIBLE THING YOU SAID AND DID TO (NUTTY) NICOLE I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVVING HELL FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!! POST THE VIDEO WHERE YOU TELL EVERYTHING YOU DID TO NUTTY NICOLE! OR THIS WILL NEVER STOP!!!! When Sophie saw it she screamed and screamed again when she saw the picture I posted She screamed again. I wanted to laugh, but if I did it would give me away. Within the hour the video was posted with her confession which went viral in about five minutes. The next day I wrote: THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION :) I decided form that day on I would help stop people like Sophie torment kids that where different. "I can't believe Sophie did that" I heard a kid from my old school say when he was walking by with his friend. "I know right!" said his friend. My work here is done.

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Cat Thief Chapter 27

I've been hiding for a while in my time. Not very brave but I Don't really care, I'm happy staying here helping with everything....