We went to school and I saw Sophie still the queen of the school. I want to walk up to her and drag her through her worst nightmare. Instead, I walk with Rachel to our first class. Nathan walks alone slouching everyone steers clear of him. All day I acted like the teacher's pet and Rachel did the same. Nathan acted like a delinquent and all our teachers yelled at him, he just shrugged it off as if it was nothing. When I was walking down the stairs someone shoved into me and pushed me, I fell down the stairs and hit my head really hard at the bottom. Rachel ran down and screamed. I looked at the floor and saw so much blood. "OH, MY GOD! WHY DID YOU PUSH HER!" Rachel screamed at the crowned at the top of the stairs who had shoved into me. Nathan walked forward a step but I shook my head and mouthed "I'll be fine." I saw black spots in my vision. I coughed and saw blood come out in a small fountain for a second. My vision turned red. "CALL 911 SOMEONE DON'T JUST STAND THERE!" Yelled Rachel desperate. The last thing I saw was Rachel and Nathan's faces. I opened my eyes, where was I? I saw a few other girls fighting and doing things my brain couldn't comprehend.
I looked down and saw I was in my favorite dress, blood-red with jagged tears at the bottom, with my tail, horns, and wings exposed. All the girls looked up at me. One with sapphire eyes got up and barreled into me a gun was pointed at my head ready to blow out my brains. The other girls got up pointing their weapons at me. My eyes were wide open. "What's going on? Why are you trying to kill me?" I asked. "Nice try you're the devil's spawn and we are here to fight you, and kill you. This will be fast, I'm just going to blow out your brains," saif the girl holding the gun to my head. "Hold on everyone! She is on our side. Don't worry, and don't kill her," said a girl emerging from the mist. "But she's the Devil's, Spawn! We need to kill her!" protested the girl with a snake? Wrapped around her arm. "She is the last recruit. Kara and she id from a different world like you all, not this one. She is the daughter of the Devil but is not consumed by evil," said the girl. "I'm confused, is she the enemy or an allie?" asked a girl with cat ears and a tail. "She is and allie. So don't kill her," said the girl from the mist. "Where am I?" I demanded. "Not this again!" complained the girl with sapphire eyes. "Let me make this short for everyone else. You are in a different world from your own, right now you are dying in your world. I was able to make it so only a second goes by while you are here. I would have called you sooner but you are so strong you had to be at death's door. We are going to fight your sister, I guess you would call her. She had fallen into darkness and we must stop her or she will take over your world and make it like this one. You must help us or everyone you love will either die or become a slave," she said. "Wow, that was so short," I said sarcastically. "Hey, it was shorter than what I got, I'm Sapphire by the way. Sorry I almost killed you. That's Jenny with the ears and tail. Flare has the red hair and Bullet Train is the one with the snake. And that's Kate the one who brought us here," said Sapphire. "Thanks for the intro," I said. "I'm Nicole," I said. "Well nice to meet you I guess," said Jenny. "We fight tomorrow. Yin will have sensed your presence since you are related. I will not see you again When Yin finds out she will most likely have me killed for treason against her," said Kate. "Then hide, until we stop her, we can save you!" I said. "That won't work look," said Kate showing me her forearm. There was a mark of a devil tail and horns. "outside of this place she knows my exact location. I can't get away," said Kate with sadness in her eyes. "In war, there are always casualties, no matter how small. Kate's sacrifice will not go to waist, not while I'm alive, I know you all feel the same way, we must do this for Kate and everyone we care about," said Jenny. "I agree we must not let Kate's work go to waste we must fight. If we lose then chaos will break out and we will all die. I died in vain and I have a chance to make my life worth living I can make thing right. And I will come out victorious no matter what," said Flare. "I'm in too," said Bullet Train. "Me too, I died and I have a chance to do something now and if that means that I have to fight one last time I will," said Sapphire. "Let's fight then and win, I want to be proud of something more than hurting people," I said. "KATE!!!" someone roared. "I must go now, good luck everyone you have a few hours in the least, this is the last I will see of you. Make me proud," said Kate a tear in her eye.
just a bunch of stories I write with a splash of fanfic if you can find it as easter eggs.
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Cat Thief Chapter 27
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