I've always tried to be the best, tried to show everyone they were wrong, tried to be strong. I am. Well on the outside, I've outsmarted every boy in my class, beaten them in combat. I learned not to show emotion because it is a sign of weakness. I did everything to look strong. I walled off my heart, so much that if I wanted to I couldn't make a crack in the wall no matter how hard I tried. When I look in the mirror I see a blank face. I see my bright unnatural light sapphire blue eyes staring back at me. I drift through every day, it's like I'm asleep mentally but awake physically. "Hey, Sapphire! How are you?" asked my friend. "Good," I said not paying attention. "Are even paying attention?" they asked. "Sure," I said with a dazed look. "Lier," they said. I only woke up during combat training. "Ok class today we're doing hand to hand combat," said the instructor. "Sapphire you and Luke are up first. IAs soon as I was on the platform I was awake. I got into a ready position and charged. I didn't stop for a second, it's like I was doing a dance trying to trip Luke who was always moving. I managed to knock him to the ground and pin him down. Some of my black hair had come loose from its loose ponytail during the fight. "Sapphire wins," said the instructor. I helped Luke up. "Thanks," he said panting. I just shrugged.
That night I walked up to the roof as usual and started doing a dance, a fast labret dance that was also deadly. I held out my spear and used it as a tool to help me dance and fight. "Wow," said someone behind me. I turned around to see Luke. "That was amazing, why do you do it, though?" Luke asked walking towards me. "You realize I have a spear in hand and I'm amazing with it," I said teasing. "So?" said Luke. "Go," I said. "I think I'll stay," he said. "You were really good," he said. "I know," I said. "Why do you do it in secret?" he asked. "Stop being nosey," I said. I stood tense. "If I dance you need to swear to never tell anyone," I said. "Fine, I swear," he said. I closed my eyes and started dancing in a whirlwind with my spear. I lost myself in the dance and when I opened my eyes Luke was staring at me. "Coe on its almost morning," I said walking away.
The next day I felt Luke watching me. I wanted to dance so bad that as soon as all the classes were over I went to the roof not caring that it was day and started dancing, I danced for what seemed like hours. When I stopped Luke was watching me again. "What are you doing here?" I demanded. "I wanted to see you dance, your amazing," he said. "Well, you saw" I snapped. I didn't care if Luke was watching I started dancing again with fury going faster and faster and when I was done I was breathless. Luke said nothing.
I was walking in the hall the next day when I heard, "Dude! Did Luke told me that he thought he was in love with Sapphire! She's so strong and so freaking powerful if he ever told her she would squish him like a gnat" laughed a boy to his friend. That day we had hand to hand combat and I was with Luke again. I heard a few boys hoot quietly. I was filled with rage and when we started I was so fast it was like I was flying. I beat Luke in ten seconds flat. When I was getting a few things from my locker when Luke tripped by me. I saw a few guys snickering. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Nothing, I just wanted to tell you something," said Luke. "Well spit it out," I said. "I-I," he said. I raised an eyebrow. "I love you" he whispered. I punched him in the nose. "NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN OR YOU'LL GET MORE THAN A BLOODY NOSE," I said walking away. That night Luke was back. "What?" I asked. "I meant it when I said I loved you," he said. "You realize I have a spear in my hand right?" I said. "Yes, I just wanted to tell you it was true," he said. "Don't you dare say that again," I said. "What? That I love you?" he said confused. "Yes," I growled. "Why?" he asked. "Please don't say you love me because I might not say it back," I said then punched him in the nose again. "YOU BROKE MY FREAKING NOSE!" Luke roared. "I warned you" I said walking away...
Inspired by the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzpYbwb2B5I
(Copy and paste on search bar)
just a bunch of stories I write with a splash of fanfic if you can find it as easter eggs.
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Cat Thief Chapter 27
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