Luke has been brooding over Ana for three days now. "Luke come on! Cheer up you're no fun like this," I say on the way to school on the third day. Luke doesn't say anything he just glares at the ground. "He hasn't been this way since Amber," says Mike whispering the Amber. "I know, and she was forever ago," I say. "Who's Amber?" Asks Nicole walking next to me. "A girl who used to be the gang, Luke really admired her and well she went back to her family and we never saw her again. Luke was so upset he barely spoke for a month," I whisper. "Sounds bad," says Nicole shrugging. "You don't know the half of it," says Mike. "Kata is coming tomorrow for a week with Nico. I can't wait to see her. It's been forever," I say changing the subject. "I haven't heard from her since that attack she did, and the video," says Nicole. "Is the DA still doing the attacks? We haven't done anything in forever," I say. "Nah, it was fun but now there really isn't that much to do anymore so we're stopping for now, maybe not permanently, but I don't know when the next attack will be. To be honest, I was getting bored with it anyway," says Nicole. "Same, it really wasn't fun after a while," I say. "Ugh! Did you study for the test? I didn't study at all! I'm so dead," moans Nicole. "Here, those are my notes it has everything we need to know. Study next time Nicole, I'm not letting you take my notes forever," I say handing Nicole my notes. "Thanks, Bullet! My dad would KILL me if I failed this test. He says that if I don't pass then well I'm not allowed to go home, but I will! Besides he knows I only go home every month or so. But he did also say he wouldn't let me learn magic and I have to! How can I take over the family business if I can't do magic?" Says Nicole. "Well then study and you can learn, I can help you study but from now on I'm not letting you just take my notes," I say looking at Nicole who is already studying as fast as she can, which is pretty freaking fast. "Ok I'll study next time," says Nicole walking to her locker. "So what is the test about?" Asks Mike. "It's about the witch hunts in England and all that gore, Nicole's dad is really strict when it comes to blood and gore in tests and he's always pushing Nicole to get good grades on them, but strangely he doesn't really care about anything else," I say. "Why did I ask? Of course, it's about blood and gore and painful death if it's Nicole," says Mike wearily. "We need to get to class now, come on!" I say when I hear the bell. In class, we have a sub and the sub doesn't care about what we do so everyone goes crazy. "What are we going to do about Luke? He's really down about Ana," says Mike during class. "I don't know, Maybe we try playing matchmaker?" I suggest. Mike smirks, "What? What are you smirking about?" I demand. "You playing matchmaker? No way, I'm vetoing that idea. What else can we do? Maybe a good old fight? Find a few thugs do our thing. That always helps Luke feel better," says Mike. "Remember what mom said? 'No more fighting you two, you may be used to have fought a lot in New York but this is LA and I will not tolerate any sort of fighting,'" I say pretending to be mom. "Oh yeah, what if we just did some good old parkour? I know! We could go on the Ninja Warrior course like we did forever ago but during live TV, on the hardest one. Imagin it. Three teens can do what hundreds of people have trained for years," says Mike. "Maybe, but we'll need to first get past everyone, but that would be fun, of course, we wouldn't show our faces but we would one-up everyone their," I say. "Maybe instead Luke just does the course normally with everyone else. Then he wouldn't have to hide his face and it would get his mind off of everything," I say. "Sure, we should make sure Luke is down for it first though," says Mike. "Of course," I say right as the bell rings.
At lunch, Nicole is picking at her food. "How was the test?" I asked. "I either failed miserably or I pass and got a good grade. I hope it's the latter, I really don't want dad to get mad at me and not let me learn or I'll be so mad! I probably will but when Dad is serious he is terrifying. And he was dead serious. I really need to pass this!" Says Nicole not taking her chin off the table. "I bet you did great," says someone behind Nicole. "Nate! What are you doing here? I didn't know you would come. Wait, is Dad mad at me? I really hope he's not mad at me," says Nicole. "Nah he's not mad, but he wants you to come back now," says Nathan. "What for? What happened? Tell me! Dad only ever asks me to come home when it's bad. What is is Nate! Tell me! I have to know," says Nicole talking almost to fast for me to register. "It's your mom, she's back," Says Nate. "Nope nope nope nope NOPE! Mom can NOT be back! How! When? Why? Now I'm really dead!" Says Nicole scared. It's the first time I've EVER seen her sacred. "Come on we need to leave now," Says Nate. "Right, of course, I'll see you guys later, I hope," Says Nicole grabbing her bag and running out the school with Nathan within a minute. "Who is Nicole's mom?" Asks Mike. "Beats me, but she must be scary or else Nicole wouldn't have freaked out like that," I say.
just a bunch of stories I write with a splash of fanfic if you can find it as easter eggs.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Cat Their Chapter 26
Note: I'm trying a bigger font for this chapter because the font size I have been using is tiny. And sorry for not posting anything in months I've been really neglectful but I'm trying to write more.
I wake up and look around I'm in my room and I can hear Nick snoring next door. I check the date and it's only been a day since the courtyard incident. That's strange I swear I remember us at the DA and? I can't remember I can't remember anything it feels like a strange dream and it's fading fast. I go to school with everyone Luke holding my hand. "I recommend you run in five seconds," says Luke. I look ahead and see a ton of girls blocking the entrance. "I'll be fine," I say. I look at the crowd of people, we're fifty feet away from them. I let go of Luke's hand. "Who wants to see who can jump over those girls the highest?" I challenge. "I'm in," says Bullet smiling. "Same, but we all know you'll win Ana," says Nicole. "Three, two, one, RUN!" I yell and we all sprint towards the crowd jumping right before we reach them. We all land behind them, but I land the farthest and on my toes. Bullet comes up to me saying "Show off, and also run right now before you get trampled by angry Luke Fangirls," she says. When I get to class I'm exhausted. Running from angry fangirls is annoying. All day people give me dirty looks. Tiffany glares at me all day. During transition, someone shoves me to the ground. I get up, dust myself off and keep walking because I know that if I do something it'll make it worse. In class, I hear whispers when I walk in but they stop almost immediately. I get to my seat. "Anastasis?" said the teacher. "Here," I say. "You need to leave, you have been accused of cheating on tests," says the teacher. "What?! I would never cheat!" I hiss storming out of the room going to the office where I wait for the principal to talk to me. "This is a serious offense, Anastasia, cheating on exams is serious," she lectures. I'm only partly paying attention to the lecture. "Are you listening to me Anastasia?" she demands. I nod. "This is serious! You shouldn't be cheating! This is unacceptable and you aren't even listening!" "Listen, Cut to the chase ok? What is my punishment, detention, suspension or expulsion? I honestly don't care, school it boring anyway, I could be doing much more important things right now. But I'm here listening to you, so either you tell me what going to happen and cut the crap or I leave and never come back," I say sitting up. "You can't do that! That is against the law to not go to school!" she says. I roll my eyes. "This is not a joking matter young lady!" they say. I laugh smirking up at her. "It is to me. Excuse me, I need to go do something worth my time," I say getting up and leaving. "YOU GET BACK HERE YOUNG LADY!" she yells running after me. I sigh, shaking my head. I turn around and she charges towards me. I sidestep left and she keeps running. "What?" I snap. "You can't leave without my permission Anastasia," she says. "I can, you just don't want me to," I say. "Don't talk back to me! Or I'll call your mother and father!" she says. "My mom is dead and my dad is..." I search for a word for my dad. "Gone," I finish lamely. "Gone?" The principal inquires. "Yes, gone. I have no other relatives only my father, who is incapable of doing anything remotely smart," I say. "You shouldn't insult your dad," Mrs. Fang scolds. "I'm not, I'm saying the truth," I say. "I didn't cheat on anything, and I can prove it. Give me a senior exam tomorrow whatever subject and if I get anything less than a passing grade then I'll admit I cheated and I'll leave," I say walking away. I go back to class and sit in my seat and decide for once to listen to the lesson.
"Hey Airi, I heard about the cheating thing, that's crazy you would never cheat, you're way to smart to ever cheat," says Luke while we walk down the boardwalk hand in hand. "I know but I guess I get such good grades that people think I'm cheating, but I guess it's my fault for wanting to go to school. I don't need to go but I figured it would be fun and it is but. it's also really confusing, all the drama makes no sense, but then again I've been in way bigger drama. And of course, for most of that drama, I planned it all and had complete control over the situation," I say thinking back to everything me and Nick had done. "Why did you always cause drama Airi?" Asks Luke. "So I could make things go my way and get the results I wanted, to me it was... A game, a game with a million endings, I was just trying to push them to my ending. Besides, it's not like I tried to hurt anyone. Except for my dad's reputation, Nicks father, one annoying prince who caught me getting out of the castle, and a few guards. It was all for the right reason," I say. "Bullet does the same thing, she would pretend to be hurt or really young to get food for the gang, she was able to get a bit of money every now and then. We. also had the younger kids ask for money and food. Us older kids would keep our territory clear of rival gangs," says Luke. "That's cool, Bullet never talks about the gang," I say. "She has reasons not to, as much as we had for a bunch of unwanted kids, we were always hungry, dirty and tired. We always had to be careful or we could get caught. It was hard," says Luke. "Well it was, but now everything is fine. Besides you have me," I say giving Luke a quick kiss. He smiles "Come on we should get back before you get in trouble, besides you have a big test tomorrow," he says. While we're walking to me and Nick's apartment I pull Luke into a dark alley. I kiss him letting my ears and tail out. "Night Luke," I say running out hiding my ears and tail before I reach the light.
In school the next day I come early for my big test. People are just filing into school when I get to school. Nick's been in a bad mood for a few days since he found out me and Luke are dating. I take the test in the principal's office. It has a hundred questions with multiple choice, true or false, matching and essay questions. I'm done in an hour, it was child play to do. When I walk out of the office I go to class and everything seems fine, until lunch. "Hey cat," says Lidia Tiffany's friend. "Nope, I'm Ana Agard, I don't know anyone called Cat," I say "No, you. You are the cat, a friend caught this picture of you and Luke, if you don't want everyone to know what you are, you break up with Luke," Lidia says showing me a picture of me with my ears and tail out. I laugh, "how can you not tell this is fake? It's so photoshopped, Honestly, next time you try to blackmail the blackmail queen, get some real dirt," I say. "Hey Pri- Imean Ana, is there a problem?" asks Nick coming up to us. "No, there isn't a problem Nick, Bye Lidia, I'll see you soon," I say walking away. "What happened?" asked Nick. "Tried to blackmail me with a picture but it didn't work," I say. "Did the picture have you in your true form?" Asks Nick. I say nothing. "You need to be more careful princess or you could get caught," says Nick. "It's not like I'm actively stealing anymore, why do you worry so much Nick, everything is fine now," I say smiling. I see something change in his eyes before he walks away.
I'm really confused so during the night I contact Sam. "Princess everything is going well the people have come to a decision on who will lead," Sam reports. "Good, but I need something else, today when I talked with Nick he seemed to get upset at something I said. But I don't know what," I tell Sam. "What were you talking about Princess?" asks Sam. "I was getting blackmailed and when I told Nick and after he told me to be more careful I told him to lighten up and he got mad at me," I say. "I presume you have not been spending to much time with Nick," says Sam. "No, I haven't, why?" I ask Sam. "Do you remember the Ball? Before you escaped the palace to fake your death?" asks Sam. "Yes, it was bad, there were so many princes trying to get me to marry them," I say. "Do you remember who asked you to go to the dance with you?" Sam asks. I say nothing, then it dawns on me. "Nick, he asked me and it was on the news, father forbade me from going with him," I say slowly. "Do you remember this?" Asks same projecting a video "Jenny ever since I met you I loved you and I don't care what the king says," Proclaimed Nick. I love you too, and I'll never love anyone else," I say. "It was before I escaped the castle, I-I remember now. I can't believe I forgot," I say trailing off lost in thought. "I think this is why Nick is mad at you, because of your promise, and the fact that he will always be your guard, no matter how much you don't want him to be. He has dedicated his life to you," says Sam. "Thanks, Sam, I'll call soon, I need to think right now," I say hanging up. I think all night about the Ball. Everything had happened so fast after that, that I forgot about what happened with me and Nick. At school I don't pay attention to anything, I can't look at Luke because as much as I do love him, but I love Nick so much more. During lunch I see Tiffany and she comes over to me. "You are so dead, Luke is mine not yours," she hisses. "No, he's not, Luke is not your property. He's no one's property," I say. "What are you saying?" asks Tiffany confused. "I'm saying, he's not yours, he's no ones," I say looking down. "Are you breaking up with him then?" asks Tiffany. I see Nick walking to our table, I'm not sitting their though. He looks over at me and his face darkens when he sees Tiffany standing over me. I remember all the times he was by my side, when I got into trouble or when I got mad at someone, even when we first met and he was hunting me down for my father. I feel a tear rolling down my face. Tiffany sneers, "I'll take that as a yes, Cat," she says whispering the last part. Nick and Luke are watching us. "Filthy cat," Tiffany repeats louder. "I wouldn't call myself filthy, but not everyone can be as smart as me," I say smirking. Tiffany is dumbfounded. "But then again humans have never been too bright, just look at father, he never was that goo a ruler," I say. "What are you talking about?" Asks Tiffany confused. "Oh nothing, I'm just thinking out loud, please go on with your threat, I can't wait to see how it turn out," I say looking up at Tiffany. She is clearly flustered and mad at me. "You really want to play that game with me?" she hisses at me. "Life is a game honey, and I'm the gamemaster, so please what is it?" I say cooly. Tiffany looks ready to blow. I smirk at her again and she loses it. She clearly can't hold in her temper and she does something I was not expecting, she slaps me. The sound rings out throughout the cafeteria and everyone looks at us. Luke and Nick are filled with rage. I'm shocked and I just look at Tiffany with my mouth open and eyes wide. Luke and Nick run over enraged. This is not going according to plan... "What happened Ana?" Luke asks. Tears are in my eyes, I can't but help think of how Nick has always come to my rescue, and he still is even after all of this. "What the hell Tiffany? You don't need to hit people when you get mad!" says Luke mad. I'm still shocked so I don't say anything. "Are you ok Ana?" says Nick looking at me. I know it's clechè but I gave him a hug and to make it worse I was crying a little. "Sorry Nick, I was a jerk," I whisper in his ear between sobs. "What do you mean?" He asks a little confused. "Sam reminded me of the ball and h-how I said that-" I'm cut off by a wave of sobs. "Hey Ana, it's fine, everything is fine," says Nick in my ear quietly. Luke is yelling at Tiffany in rage. Before I can stop myself I kissed Nick with tears still in my eyes.

Luke stops yelling when he sees me and Nick. "Sorry for forgetting Nick," I whisper. "You shouldn't be sorry," says Nick. "Are you still my guard?" I whisper to Nick. "Of course, Princess," Says Nick. "Hey, Nick. I have an idea. Let's go home, cause some trouble with father, I need to cheak on everything anyway," I say. We leave school and no one tries to stop us.
(FYI I just got this picture from google it is not mine. this is as close as I could find to what I was picturing. I know it's been forever, sorry. Thanks for all my followers I know it's not a big number, only 21 but every follower I get makes me so happy. Also in a few monthes it will be three years since I started Star's Stories, whitch is amazing.
-Starđ )
I wake up and look around I'm in my room and I can hear Nick snoring next door. I check the date and it's only been a day since the courtyard incident. That's strange I swear I remember us at the DA and? I can't remember I can't remember anything it feels like a strange dream and it's fading fast. I go to school with everyone Luke holding my hand. "I recommend you run in five seconds," says Luke. I look ahead and see a ton of girls blocking the entrance. "I'll be fine," I say. I look at the crowd of people, we're fifty feet away from them. I let go of Luke's hand. "Who wants to see who can jump over those girls the highest?" I challenge. "I'm in," says Bullet smiling. "Same, but we all know you'll win Ana," says Nicole. "Three, two, one, RUN!" I yell and we all sprint towards the crowd jumping right before we reach them. We all land behind them, but I land the farthest and on my toes. Bullet comes up to me saying "Show off, and also run right now before you get trampled by angry Luke Fangirls," she says. When I get to class I'm exhausted. Running from angry fangirls is annoying. All day people give me dirty looks. Tiffany glares at me all day. During transition, someone shoves me to the ground. I get up, dust myself off and keep walking because I know that if I do something it'll make it worse. In class, I hear whispers when I walk in but they stop almost immediately. I get to my seat. "Anastasis?" said the teacher. "Here," I say. "You need to leave, you have been accused of cheating on tests," says the teacher. "What?! I would never cheat!" I hiss storming out of the room going to the office where I wait for the principal to talk to me. "This is a serious offense, Anastasia, cheating on exams is serious," she lectures. I'm only partly paying attention to the lecture. "Are you listening to me Anastasia?" she demands. I nod. "This is serious! You shouldn't be cheating! This is unacceptable and you aren't even listening!" "Listen, Cut to the chase ok? What is my punishment, detention, suspension or expulsion? I honestly don't care, school it boring anyway, I could be doing much more important things right now. But I'm here listening to you, so either you tell me what going to happen and cut the crap or I leave and never come back," I say sitting up. "You can't do that! That is against the law to not go to school!" she says. I roll my eyes. "This is not a joking matter young lady!" they say. I laugh smirking up at her. "It is to me. Excuse me, I need to go do something worth my time," I say getting up and leaving. "YOU GET BACK HERE YOUNG LADY!" she yells running after me. I sigh, shaking my head. I turn around and she charges towards me. I sidestep left and she keeps running. "What?" I snap. "You can't leave without my permission Anastasia," she says. "I can, you just don't want me to," I say. "Don't talk back to me! Or I'll call your mother and father!" she says. "My mom is dead and my dad is..." I search for a word for my dad. "Gone," I finish lamely. "Gone?" The principal inquires. "Yes, gone. I have no other relatives only my father, who is incapable of doing anything remotely smart," I say. "You shouldn't insult your dad," Mrs. Fang scolds. "I'm not, I'm saying the truth," I say. "I didn't cheat on anything, and I can prove it. Give me a senior exam tomorrow whatever subject and if I get anything less than a passing grade then I'll admit I cheated and I'll leave," I say walking away. I go back to class and sit in my seat and decide for once to listen to the lesson.
"Hey Airi, I heard about the cheating thing, that's crazy you would never cheat, you're way to smart to ever cheat," says Luke while we walk down the boardwalk hand in hand. "I know but I guess I get such good grades that people think I'm cheating, but I guess it's my fault for wanting to go to school. I don't need to go but I figured it would be fun and it is but. it's also really confusing, all the drama makes no sense, but then again I've been in way bigger drama. And of course, for most of that drama, I planned it all and had complete control over the situation," I say thinking back to everything me and Nick had done. "Why did you always cause drama Airi?" Asks Luke. "So I could make things go my way and get the results I wanted, to me it was... A game, a game with a million endings, I was just trying to push them to my ending. Besides, it's not like I tried to hurt anyone. Except for my dad's reputation, Nicks father, one annoying prince who caught me getting out of the castle, and a few guards. It was all for the right reason," I say. "Bullet does the same thing, she would pretend to be hurt or really young to get food for the gang, she was able to get a bit of money every now and then. We. also had the younger kids ask for money and food. Us older kids would keep our territory clear of rival gangs," says Luke. "That's cool, Bullet never talks about the gang," I say. "She has reasons not to, as much as we had for a bunch of unwanted kids, we were always hungry, dirty and tired. We always had to be careful or we could get caught. It was hard," says Luke. "Well it was, but now everything is fine. Besides you have me," I say giving Luke a quick kiss. He smiles "Come on we should get back before you get in trouble, besides you have a big test tomorrow," he says. While we're walking to me and Nick's apartment I pull Luke into a dark alley. I kiss him letting my ears and tail out. "Night Luke," I say running out hiding my ears and tail before I reach the light.
In school the next day I come early for my big test. People are just filing into school when I get to school. Nick's been in a bad mood for a few days since he found out me and Luke are dating. I take the test in the principal's office. It has a hundred questions with multiple choice, true or false, matching and essay questions. I'm done in an hour, it was child play to do. When I walk out of the office I go to class and everything seems fine, until lunch. "Hey cat," says Lidia Tiffany's friend. "Nope, I'm Ana Agard, I don't know anyone called Cat," I say "No, you. You are the cat, a friend caught this picture of you and Luke, if you don't want everyone to know what you are, you break up with Luke," Lidia says showing me a picture of me with my ears and tail out. I laugh, "how can you not tell this is fake? It's so photoshopped, Honestly, next time you try to blackmail the blackmail queen, get some real dirt," I say. "Hey Pri- Imean Ana, is there a problem?" asks Nick coming up to us. "No, there isn't a problem Nick, Bye Lidia, I'll see you soon," I say walking away. "What happened?" asked Nick. "Tried to blackmail me with a picture but it didn't work," I say. "Did the picture have you in your true form?" Asks Nick. I say nothing. "You need to be more careful princess or you could get caught," says Nick. "It's not like I'm actively stealing anymore, why do you worry so much Nick, everything is fine now," I say smiling. I see something change in his eyes before he walks away.
I'm really confused so during the night I contact Sam. "Princess everything is going well the people have come to a decision on who will lead," Sam reports. "Good, but I need something else, today when I talked with Nick he seemed to get upset at something I said. But I don't know what," I tell Sam. "What were you talking about Princess?" asks Sam. "I was getting blackmailed and when I told Nick and after he told me to be more careful I told him to lighten up and he got mad at me," I say. "I presume you have not been spending to much time with Nick," says Sam. "No, I haven't, why?" I ask Sam. "Do you remember the Ball? Before you escaped the palace to fake your death?" asks Sam. "Yes, it was bad, there were so many princes trying to get me to marry them," I say. "Do you remember who asked you to go to the dance with you?" Sam asks. I say nothing, then it dawns on me. "Nick, he asked me and it was on the news, father forbade me from going with him," I say slowly. "Do you remember this?" Asks same projecting a video "Jenny ever since I met you I loved you and I don't care what the king says," Proclaimed Nick. I love you too, and I'll never love anyone else," I say. "It was before I escaped the castle, I-I remember now. I can't believe I forgot," I say trailing off lost in thought. "I think this is why Nick is mad at you, because of your promise, and the fact that he will always be your guard, no matter how much you don't want him to be. He has dedicated his life to you," says Sam. "Thanks, Sam, I'll call soon, I need to think right now," I say hanging up. I think all night about the Ball. Everything had happened so fast after that, that I forgot about what happened with me and Nick. At school I don't pay attention to anything, I can't look at Luke because as much as I do love him, but I love Nick so much more. During lunch I see Tiffany and she comes over to me. "You are so dead, Luke is mine not yours," she hisses. "No, he's not, Luke is not your property. He's no one's property," I say. "What are you saying?" asks Tiffany confused. "I'm saying, he's not yours, he's no ones," I say looking down. "Are you breaking up with him then?" asks Tiffany. I see Nick walking to our table, I'm not sitting their though. He looks over at me and his face darkens when he sees Tiffany standing over me. I remember all the times he was by my side, when I got into trouble or when I got mad at someone, even when we first met and he was hunting me down for my father. I feel a tear rolling down my face. Tiffany sneers, "I'll take that as a yes, Cat," she says whispering the last part. Nick and Luke are watching us. "Filthy cat," Tiffany repeats louder. "I wouldn't call myself filthy, but not everyone can be as smart as me," I say smirking. Tiffany is dumbfounded. "But then again humans have never been too bright, just look at father, he never was that goo a ruler," I say. "What are you talking about?" Asks Tiffany confused. "Oh nothing, I'm just thinking out loud, please go on with your threat, I can't wait to see how it turn out," I say looking up at Tiffany. She is clearly flustered and mad at me. "You really want to play that game with me?" she hisses at me. "Life is a game honey, and I'm the gamemaster, so please what is it?" I say cooly. Tiffany looks ready to blow. I smirk at her again and she loses it. She clearly can't hold in her temper and she does something I was not expecting, she slaps me. The sound rings out throughout the cafeteria and everyone looks at us. Luke and Nick are filled with rage. I'm shocked and I just look at Tiffany with my mouth open and eyes wide. Luke and Nick run over enraged. This is not going according to plan... "What happened Ana?" Luke asks. Tears are in my eyes, I can't but help think of how Nick has always come to my rescue, and he still is even after all of this. "What the hell Tiffany? You don't need to hit people when you get mad!" says Luke mad. I'm still shocked so I don't say anything. "Are you ok Ana?" says Nick looking at me. I know it's clechè but I gave him a hug and to make it worse I was crying a little. "Sorry Nick, I was a jerk," I whisper in his ear between sobs. "What do you mean?" He asks a little confused. "Sam reminded me of the ball and h-how I said that-" I'm cut off by a wave of sobs. "Hey Ana, it's fine, everything is fine," says Nick in my ear quietly. Luke is yelling at Tiffany in rage. Before I can stop myself I kissed Nick with tears still in my eyes.

Luke stops yelling when he sees me and Nick. "Sorry for forgetting Nick," I whisper. "You shouldn't be sorry," says Nick. "Are you still my guard?" I whisper to Nick. "Of course, Princess," Says Nick. "Hey, Nick. I have an idea. Let's go home, cause some trouble with father, I need to cheak on everything anyway," I say. We leave school and no one tries to stop us.
(FYI I just got this picture from google it is not mine. this is as close as I could find to what I was picturing. I know it's been forever, sorry. Thanks for all my followers I know it's not a big number, only 21 but every follower I get makes me so happy. Also in a few monthes it will be three years since I started Star's Stories, whitch is amazing.
-Starđ )
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Cat Thief Chapter 27
I've been hiding for a while in my time. Not very brave but I Don't really care, I'm happy staying here helping with everything....
“Come on, want to help me with the generator upgrades?” says Lania. “Sure, but don’t let me mess anything up, you are the expert here not m...
I fly with Nate out of school and home as fast as I can. "How long has mother been home?" I ask. "An hour and everything is a...
Luke has been brooding over Ana for three days now. "Luke come on! Cheer up you're no fun like this," I say on the way to scho...